+38 (050) 477 83 88

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Ordinary coal

Our enterprise OOO “LTS Company” (Ukraine) is the official representative of TOO “TD “Maykuben Komir” (Kazakhstan) and the exclusive dealer for the sale of coal from the Maykuben and Shubarkol coal mines.


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For stakeholders, entrepreneurs and organizations, our company supplies wagon loads of ordinary coal of grades B3 and D. It is not sorted and separated into different sizes with the sizes of coal lumps from 0 to 300mm. However, it should be noted that lump of coal is not less than 90%, dust and trivia (0-6 mm) is not more than 10%. At the same time all the coal has high quality characteristics:

  • ash content of 12%,
  • 46% volatiles,
  • sulfur content of 0.4%,
  • heating value 5000-6000 kKal/kg

Coal supplies are carried out by rail in open wagons.





The lower specific heat of fuel combustion in working condition, Qir k/cal/kg 5500
The higher specific heat of fuel combustion in working condition, Qir k/cal/kg 7100
Ash content in dry fuel state, Ad % 6 - 10
Total mass of moisture in working condition, Wrt % 10 - 16
Total mass of sulfur in dry state, Sdt % 0,4 - 1,0
Total mass of chlorine, % 0,022
Total mass of arsenic, % 0,00016
Code and stamp HS EurAsEC 2 7 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0
Code and brand FEA KP 05. 20. 10
Volatile matter in dry ash-free condition, Vdaf, % 40 - 48
Grindability factor 1,15 - 1,21
Melting point for ash in melting phase, 0C

t1- 1120-12800C,
t2- 1160-13400C,
t3- 1190-13800C



Chemical composition of coal ash,%

SiO2 37,01 - 49,87
Аl2O3 21,86 - 30,23
Fe2O3 16,55 - 7,55
СаО 8,79 - 4,42
MgO 4,33 - 2,24
Р2O3 0,60 - 0,25
Na2O 0,65 - 0,80
К2O 0,60 - 1,50
SO3 8,83 - 2,24
ТiO2 0,78 - 0,90



Elemental composition daf,%

Oxygen 18,4 - 20,5
Nitrogen 0,93 - 1,05
Nitrogen 5,76 - 4,70
Carbon 74,2 - 73,1
Sulfur 0,71 - 0,65