+38 (050) 477 83 88

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Coal (Rock coal, Steam coal)

Our enterprise OOO “LTS Company” (Ukraine) is the official representative of TOO “TD “Maykuben Komir” (Kazakhstan) and the exclusive dealer for the sale of coal from the Maykuben and Shubarkol coal mines.


Our company has extensive experience in the coal industry. Our cooperation with the coal-mining enterprises of Ukraine has started back in 1996. Since 2006, we have established strong links with the coal enterprises of Kazakhstan. During that time we have earned the reputation as a reliable long-term partner.

Today, we are dealers of Kazakh mining companies on the territory of Ukraine. And the main direction in the activity of our organization is a wholesale coal in the domestic Ukrainian market and in other countries. Deliveries are carried out practically in all regions of our country and Europe.

Our partners and consumers of coal are mainly housing and communal services, regional administrations, fuel depots, commercial organizations, owners of greenhouses, entrepreneurs and individuals.

We supply coal that is refered to a group of slow and long burning (grade D) and has a high quality feature that is appreciated by our clients and partners. Also, under different objectives of consumers and merchants, our coal for easy transport and storage is packaged in bags of 25 and 50 kg. This package allows you to transport it, overloading, move around warehouse, store and sell coal without much dust and dirt, which is inevitable in the traditional transportation and loading "in bulk." It attracts the end user and minimizes the loss of Seller.

Fraction of supplied coal is 40-80 mm. This size is the best for most consumers. This charcoal is perfect for a traditional oven in a private home, as well as for modern solid fuel boilers and mini boilers for apartment houses, kindergartens, schools, villas, country houses, etc. Due to its low ash content (approximately 10%) and low sulfur content (1%), our coal is referred to a cleaner view of the solid fuel and meets even the highest requirements of the European standards. And thanks to the high content of "volatile" substances (40-48%), coal grade D is well lit, intense and long burning.

We sincerely hope that signing the contract and receiving the coal supplied by our Company, you will be satisfied with the quality of coal, quality of our work and will be interested in further cooperation with us.





Coal assorted (grade D) for household needs packed in bags of 10, 25, 50 kg



The lower specific heat of fuel combustion in working condition, Qir k/cal/kg 5500
The higher specific heat of fuel combustion in working condition, Qir k/cal/kg 7100
Ash content in dry fuel state, Ad % 6 - 10
Total mass of moisture in working condition, Wrt % 10 - 16
Total mass of sulfur in dry state, Sdt % 0,4 - 1,0
Total mass of chlorine, % 0,022
Total mass of arsenic, % 0,00016
Code and stamp HS EurAsEC 2 7 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0
Code and brand FEA KP 05. 20. 10
Volatile matter in dry ash-free condition, Vdaf, % 40 - 48
Grindability factor 1,15 - 1,21
Melting point for ash in melting phase, 0C

t1- 1120-12800C,
t2- 1160-13400C,
t3- 1190-13800C



Chemical composition of coal ash,%

SiO2 37,01 - 49,87
Аl2O3 21,86 - 30,23
Fe2O3 16,55 - 7,55
СаО 8,79 - 4,42
MgO 4,33 - 2,24
Р2O3 0,60 - 0,25
Na2O 0,65 - 0,80
К2O 0,60 - 1,50
SO3 8,83 - 2,24
ТiO2 0,78 - 0,90



Elemental composition daf,%

Oxygen 18,4 - 20,5
Nitrogen 0,93 - 1,05
Nitrogen 5,76 - 4,70
Carbon 74,2 - 73,1
Sulfur 0,71 - 0,65